Friday, October 26, 2007

Attending conference

On Saturday, I will be flying to Heidelberg, Germany to attend and give a paper at the ISPI Europe (International Society for Performance Improvement). The paper is on using wikis for global collaboration. I should still have internet access to check our class and respond to email, but it may be spotty. This trip will be interesting also because I was born in Heidelberg (Jim West being a common German name ). Actually, my dad was in the Army.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

IDT 516 blogs

Well it only makes sense that I also have a blog for the class. Hopefully, everyone is successfully posting to their blogs now as well. I have checked them all out and they look pretty good. This last part of the course will become more disconnected as people concentrate on their projects. One thing I like to use this assignment for is as sort of a journal as you put together your Final Project. It helps to keep each other informed as to where you are. We also can provide some feedback, and maybe loosen up our posts somewhat. Plus, if there is anyone not in the class that you would like to join in the process, you can invite them to your blog and they can participate as well. Let's see what happens!